ANYWAY... On to this Week 6's assignment!
STEP 1: Revisiting the Heuristic Evaluation Results
Martin didn't really list specifically labeled HE critiques in his evaluation blog about my app, but I understood what could be changed. I think seeing what Balsamiq had to offer helped me redesign a few things.- Instead of reloading the screen with a warning for a wrong date error, I used a pop up alert
- I moved the Previous and Next Fact buttons closer to the fact, away from the main navigation buttons
I was going to put a X out of X facts for each date between the Previous and Next buttons, but left it out in the balsamiq since I'm not going to add so many slides to change the number.Nevermind, I redid it.
(Although, in hindsight, I could have just put "#/#" as a place holder. Well, a bit too lazy to go back and edit, export, and upload again...)- I decided against putting a picture since it's supposed to be a simple blurb about the fact. Details/pictures can be found at the source if people really are that curious about it.
STEP 2: Start Designing
I rather enjoyed using Balsamiq. It was pretty easy to use (and my copy & paste worked for the text, but not the elements themselves). I had a bit of trouble finding where to export as a PDF, but eventually I found it.The actual Share button on the Sharing option slide doesn't work as it's supposed to lead to the appropriate app.
(Don't scroll through the slides; they're very out of order since they were made once they popped into my head/in order to keep consistency).